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Monday, August 24, 2020
Offer and Acceptance Essay Sample free essay sample
In the given request the issue is whether there is a following agreement among Gerard and Reg. An agreement can be characterized as an intentional reason of obligation. So as to set up an agreement there must be an offer followed by a belief. So as to see whether the gatherings have gone to an understanding the council would take a gander at the reason for the gatherings. Reason will be taken a gander at dispassionately. In utilizing the equitable preliminary the councils consider whether the reasonable individual in the other parties’ spot would reason that there was a reason to come in to a comprehension. A decent delineation of the utilization of the equitable preliminary is given in Centrovincial Estates Plc versus merchandiser investors’ certainty Company Ltd. It ought to non. all things considered. be expected that the emotional reasons for the gatherings are immaterial. An abstract preliminary endeavors to decide the existent motivation behind the getting parties . We will compose a custom exposition test on Offer and Acceptance Essay Sample or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In Hartog versus colin and Shields the council embraced the objective preliminary theme to emotional thought. In Gibson versus Manchester city committee the House of Lords underscored the significance of setting an offer and confidence when make up ones disapproving of whether the gatherings arrived at a comprehension. An offer is an ardent undertaking to be bound in the each it footings are acknowledged by the other. It must be finishing up. certain and unambiguous. There must be no farther exchanges or treatment required. The idea of an offer was talked about in Gibson versus Manchester City Council. The gathering chose to sell the committee houses to the leaseholders. The committee so concluded non to sell the houses. The committee sent Gibson a papers which requested that he do a proper greeting to buy and expressed that the Council â€Å"may be set up to sell’ the house to him. Gibson marked the papers and brought it back. The House of Lords held that an agreement had non been closed in light of the fact that the board had non made an offer equipped for being acknowledged. Ruler Diplock expressed: The words â€Å"may be set up to sell†are fatal†¦so is the greeting. â€Å"to make formal application to buy†. In this occurrence of import footings despite everything sh ould have been resolved. Anyway in Storer versus Manchester city committee. under comparable condition. the Court of Appeal found that there was a coupling contract. The gathering had sent Storer a conveying that they expected would follow upon his belief. All storer needed to make to hold fast himself to the ulterior deal was to buy in the papers and bring it back. It must be noticed that specific explanations made during exchanges will non sum to offers. as they come up short on the characteristics of going an offer. such articulation incorporate ; mission statement ( Harris versus Nickerson ) . flexibly of data ( Harvey versus Facey ) . furthermore, greeting to deal with ( Patridge versus Crittenden ) . In the given request Reg electronic mail to Gerard â€Å"I have available to be purchased 500 Cadmiums from the 1970s. 80s and 90s. charm happen associated rundown of rubrics. They are in five star status. I have to fund-raise urgently so will sell all in all or in parcel. I’m arranged to sell for ? 1000. A fast answer would be appreciated†. There is a request whether the primary electronic mail from Reg is an offer? Expressing a reason to contract or to make concern is non an offer. It sums just for an encouragement to deal with. This was so held in Harris versus Nickerson where a bartering was publicized with greeting concerning the focuses to be sold and the topographic point it would be held. An imminent bidder went to the sale simply to be told it would non be held. He carried an activity against the salesperson to recover the expense for go toing the sale. It was held that the advertizement was simply a mission statement to keep a bartering and is non an offer. Along these lines on this land. the email by Reg will non sum to an offer. The announcement is other than non certain. closing and dubious. Recommending that Reg do non had the genuine reason make an offer. as in the situation of Harvey versus Facey ( 1983 ) here Harvey sent Facey a wire it said â€Å"will you sell us Bumper Hall Pen? Transmit most reduced hard money fiscal worth â€answer paid†facey answered on a similar twenty-four hours: â€Å"lowest financial incentive for Bumper Hall Pen ? 900†Harvey so answered in the undermentioned words â€Å"we consent to buy Bumper Hall Pen for the measure of 900 lbs asked by you. If it's not too much trouble sent us your rubric title all together that we may gain early possession†. At long last in this occurrence Privy Council prompted that no agreement existed between the gatherings. The principal Telegram was just an appeal for data. So at no stage the Defendant make an unequivocal offer that could be acknowledged. By contrasting the situation and Harvey versus facey. it unmistakably says that the principal electronic mail from Reg is just a sharing of data or greeting to deal with. After the challenge to deal with or sharing of data. the accompanying topographic point is for a proposal by the other party else it is still on exchange methodology. The answer email from Gerard on second March at 5. 30 dissection says that â€Å"he will take the entirety of the Cadmiums and is eager to pay ?1000 and would move up the CDs. †The electronic mail is finishing up. certain and unambiguous. suggesting that Gerard had a motivation behind doing an offer. Along these lines a choice can be drawn that the electronic mail is an offer. Since an offer has been set up it should be broke down whether this offer has been acknowledged. Acknowledgment must be finishing up and inadequate quiet submission to the footings of the offer. For belief to be strong there are sure guidelines to be fulfilled. The guideli nes that should be fulfilled are ; assurance must be unconditioned: if the words able to contracts are utilized when an offer is acknowledged that is non a legitimate trustworthiness ( chillingworth versus esche ) ; belief must be on indistinct footings: it must be a perfect representation of the offer. it is just than we can express that there is a gathering of heads. In the event that the offeree exertion on various footings it is renunciation counter offer-( hyde versus contort ) . assurance must be imparted in existent realities to the offero: this implies until the offero or his operator gets the chance to cognize that the offer has been acknowledged. there is no legitimate belief ( felthouse versus bindley ) ; and the offeree must hold perception of the proposal at the clasp of assurance ( R versus clarke ) . In this occurrence it varies from the ordinary condition of affairss. Than hearing or hanging tight for an assurance from Reg. on second March â€the same day-at 5. 40pm Gerard gets an electronic mail from Reg saying that â€Å"have changed my head. I currently need ?1500 for the CDs†. other than Gerard finds Reg’s first electronic mail. to which Gerard has answered. was sent from place. though the second electronic mail was sent from Reg’s work topographic point. Than being a confidence here it’s a refusal of an offer other than have the characteristics of a counter offer. incompletely yet non completely. Counter offer is an offer made in light of an old proposal by the other party during discoursed for a finishing up contract. The Brogden V metropolitan railroad is power to state where the counter offer is acknowledged. the agreement is made on the footings of the counter offer and non on the footings of the first offer. The recognizable another point here is the topographic point last email originated from. As all the messages originated from Reg’s place. simply the closing electronic mail originated from his work topographic point doing the vulnerabilities on the cogency of his old electronic sends. With this point other than we can venture out up to the request of whether Reg read Gerard’s answered offer electronic mail previously. Blending to prompt imparting guideline that a confidence faced result where it was gotten. non where it was sent ( Entores Ltd v. Miles far East partnership ) . So by the by. it tends to be offer or a counter offer however it definitely su re that it is entirety to a termination of an old offer. The offer is as yet accessible for assurance. The second request was. would you answer vary. had Gerard answered that he would pay ?800 for the Cadmiums from the 80s and 90s only? No it does non do an enormous distinction. As it goes to the bit of Gerard’s offer. by and by after a challenge to deal with there’s just a topographic point for an offer or a lapse of the greeting which intended to the exchange system. So strongly this other than whole to a proposal as the old articulation.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Supernatural in H.P. Lovecraft’s The Outsider Essay -- Lovecraft
The Supernatural in H.P. Lovecraft’s The Outsider One of H.P. Lovecraft’s many short stories, â€Å"The Outsider†has been commended since its distribution as his generally significant and important. This story has been deciphered various ways, fluctuating from a personal history of Lovecraft himself to a few distinctive philosophical investigations. One such understanding, by Dirk Mosig thinks about the plot and settings of â€Å"The Outsider†to Lovecraft’s own far fetched perspectives on religion and a the hereafter. Mosig underpins his translation with numerous realities from the story, I accept he pinpoints one truly conceivable significance of the story. His contention effectively utilizes the plot and subtleties to persuade the peruser that his speculation is right. So as to comprehend Mosig’s translation, one should initially comprehend â€Å"The Outsider†and its general topics, from a fair-minded perspective. The story starts with the storyteller clarifying his beginnings. He, an anonymous animal, recounts his condition: a dull, rotting palace in the midst of a â€Å"endless forest†of high, dark trees. (Lovecraft) He has never observed light, nor a solitary living individual. He lives among graves fixed with decaying bones and rodents. He never makes reference to eating, yet lives alone, with just the a great many books that the mansion holds as a psychological method to escape from the fatigue of his jail like home. All that he know has originated from his perusing of the â€Å"antique books†that line the dividers of his palace. (Lovecraft) There will never be a way out from his reality spare one tall pinnacle which appears to reach over the taking off treetops. He clarifies that he had once attempted to escape through the timberland, however got frightened in the unlimited woods and returned before he got lost. He has... ... It appears to be bizarre that H.P. Lovecraft, who made his fortune from tales about the heavenly, would be viewed as not putting stock in the subject which put him on the map. This may take away from Mosig’s contentions. Likewise, different sources recommend this ought to be perused as a loathsomeness story; not only for the individuals who saw the outcast, yet in addition for himself, when he understood his own destiny and past. Dirk Mosig’s contentions are persuading notwithstanding, and his translation bodes well with the mind boggling story that is â€Å"The Outsider.†Works Cited Lovecraft, Howard Phillips. â€Å"The Outsider.†H.P. Lovecraft Library. 1921. 6 Nov. 2002 . Mosig, Dirk W. â€Å"The Four Faces of The Outsider.†Discovering H.P. Lovecraft. Ed. Darrell Schweitzer. Mercer Island, Washington: Starmont House, 1987. 6754
Sunday, July 26, 2020
MacCPW, et al.
MacCPW, et al. CPW 2017 Events CPW is officially over! The CPW weather machine ended up pulling through, and its a sunny Fahrenheit 63 as I type this on Sunday afternoon. Welcome to my dorms implementation of CPW! MAC.0001: Introduction to MacGregor House MacGregor House is the West Campus dorm between Burton Conner (or actually No. 6) and New House. Its the tall one that looks like a hospital because that aesthetic was chic in 1970 when MacG was built. It consists of nine entries, A-J (minus I because its ~imaginary~), in a highrise stack (A-E) and a lowrise block (F-J). Its mostly singles with three doubles in F entry (my home). About half of us are on the meal plan, while the rest cook for themselves in our suite kitchens (or more realistically pay for other people to cook better food and deliver it to them). Much of Mollie B. 06s post re:MacG remains true, but I may need to update some of the details soon. And now for the main event. CPW 2017 Events A Entry: Roll with the A Dogs The people of A invited prefrosh to meet residents and eat snax. (I dont have pics of this one because tbh I was asleep. A entry people are pretty cool though. Theyre sporty.) B Entry: Be Chill followed by No Chill Eat pancakes with B-eople and then play those icebreaker lying games with them. easy Breezy highrise aesthetics C Entry: Movies Against Humanity SnaCks, Cheesy movies, and Cards against Humanity. Talk about Chill. totally Candid pics D Entry: A Night in the Lounge The first opportunity to chill and eat with MacGregor people. I missed it (smh bad blogger), so no pics for you. My sources tell me that D residents have a similar vibe to B and F, but that could be up for debate. E Entry: Protobowl and Produce and SNL and Brownies Billed as the only fruits and veggies you might find all CPW, Protobowl and Produce sounds great for restoring vitality after a long night of self-(con?)destructive CPW crashing. I went to SNL and Brownies instead, for obvious reasons. fun fact: E entry owns ghost chalk F Entry: Frilled Cheese This one expanded my worldview in relation to grilled cheese. Avocado? Peanut butter? Bacon? We know how to simultaneously lure in and scare away some prefrosh. F??: when youre here, youre Family G Entry: Netflix and Chill and Smash and Cheese During in-house rush, I was told that the G unofficially stood for Gaming. And while thats not for me, its probably for a lot of you. Just ask the room full of prefrosh who showed up to play Smash on some old school TVs in MacGregor Dining Hall. they also had so much mac and cheese H Entry: Creative Cooking with H Entry Learn how to survive and thrive in a cook-for-yourself community. H offered up some kitchens and some residents to show off to some hungry prefrosh. the H stands for Hack but you didnt hear that from me J Entry: Murder Mystery and Memes and Cereal I personally thought J won at MacGregor CPW events this year. I got to check out the Murder Mystery dinner but missed eating cereal and watching Important Videos with J. I dont know whats going on here either BONUS: An Assortment of Other Events That I Stumbled Into A Little Concert @ Senior Haus Another Smash Event with Nu Delta Obligatory Pic of the Green Building Getting Lit Kresge in Full Swing on Saturday Shoutout to all the student groups for planning, a special shoutout to the prefrosh I talked to that confirmed my suspicions that we only admit people who belong here, and a big thank you to everyone who let me do prefrosh things since I missed my CPW last spring. (: Post Tagged #fraternities #MacGregor House #photography #Senior Haus
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Polio Vaccine Essay - 1082 Words
The Polio Vaccine The discovery of the polio vaccine was an important medical and scientific breakthrough because it saved many lives since the 1950s. In the summer of 1916 the great polio epidemic struck the United states. By the 1950s hundreds of thousands of people had been struck by the poliomyelitis. The highest number of cases occurred in 1953 with over 50,000 people infected with the virus. When hygienic conditions were poor polio attacked infants. The disease was spread by contaminated water and contact with fecal contamination. Many infants died when the conditions were poor. But as conditions improved the virus spread differently. It was spread more through playmates and family members, the contamination came from the†¦show more content†¦Dean William McEllroy talked Salk into joining the university full-time. Though the schools research budget was a grant from the American Society for the Study of High Blood Pressure in the amount of $1,800, he saw the opportunity to do two things. One was to continue the work he was doing on influenza, second was to begin working with the polio virus. A few months after arriving in Pittsburgh, Salk was visited by the director of research at the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. The director asked Salk if he would be willing to participate in a polio typing program. I had no experience working with polio, but it provided me with an opportunity. . . Salk said in an interview. This gave Salk a chance to get funding, equipment, a laboratory facility, and to hire a staff to work for and with him. Salks previous work gave him the idea that a killed virus could in fact work when others thought it couldnt. To type the polio virus Salk infected monkeys with polio by injecting it into them or feeding it to them. If a monkey survived it built up antibodies to protect against the virus. The monkeys that survived were then given another type of virus to see if the same antibodies protected against the second type. If it did, i t told Salk and his assistants that the two types were related. If it did not, that told Salk that they were not related. EventuallyShow MoreRelatedPolio Vaccine in America1048 Words  | 5 PagesThe Polio Vaccine in America When my daughter was a baby, and we decided to delay vaccination, a friend of my mother-in-law seemed thrilled with our decision. However, she advised to look into the polio vaccine because there wasn t much they could do if someone did contract polio. During my research, I have found that the polio vaccine is all but completely unnecessary for anyone in the United States. Let s take a look at some of the most interesting information I have found. Taken directlyRead MoreThe Discovery Of The Polio Vaccine1963 Words  | 8 Pagesdiscovery of the Polio vaccine will be discussed and broken down into deeper thought on why and how it was discovered. Poliomyelitis is an infectious disease that reached epidemic levels in the mid twentieth century. People that were unfortunate to receive this disease faced hardships including fevers, sore throat and vomiting(Allaby). These are just symptoms but Polio can be a vicious disease leaving their patients paralyzed. The majority of people who are diagnosed with Polio don’t get paralyzedRead MoreThe Discovery Of Polio Vaccine Essay2213 Words  | 9 Pagespoliomyelitis, otherwise known as polio. However, a breakthrough was reached when Jonas Salk managed to developed the first vaccine, which he brought to the public in 1955 after testing the drug on himself, family, and others. Salk developed a killed-virus vaccine through tissue-culture methods discovered by the scientist John Ende rs. Unfortunately, Salk’s vaccine was not the cure that the scientific community, and the world, had hoped for, as the results of the vaccine took a critical turn for the worseRead MoreEssay on Polio Vaccine633 Words  | 3 PagesPoliomyelitis (shortened to polio) has been around for thousands of years, and there is still no cure, but at the peak of its devastation in the United States, Dr. Jonas Salk introduced a way to prevent it. Polio attacks the nerve cells and sometimes the central nervous system, causing muscle wasting, paralysis, and even death. The disease, whose symptoms are flu like, stuck mostly children, and in the first half of the 20th century the epidemics of polio were becoming more devastating. SalkRead MorePolio Vaccine : An Infectious Disease1028 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"A 1916 Polio epidemic in the United States killed 6,000 people and paralyzed 27,000 more†(â€Å"Polio Vaccine†). This lead to the creation of the polio vaccine that has helped to prevent polio for a very long time. The IPV and OPV vaccines played a huge role in all of this. Jonas Salk, who created the IPV vaccine and Albert Sabin, who created the OPV vaccine saved millions of people all around the world from polio (Petersen, Jennifer B). The IPV and OPV polio vaccine helped eliminate polio from theRead MoreThe Polio Vaccine Through The Eyes Of Its Creator1218 Words  | 5 Pagescreation of the polio vaccine through the eyes of its creator. Salk also describes his childhood and the events that lead up to his medical breakthrough. Latour, Bruno , Steve Woolgar, and Jonas Salk. Introduction. Laboratory Life. 1986.Reprint. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986. 11. Print. It showed the way that Jonas Salk studied polio and how he came to the conclusion that the vaccine was correct. He also taught that it is a life taking job and that polio vaccine was a difficultRead MoreThe Erradication of Poliomyelitis: Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV), and Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV)1076 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Poliomyelitis, commonly known as â€Å"Polio†, is an acute motor disease caused by the poliovirus that targets the anterior horn cells of the human spinal cord, and in severe cases results in acute flaccid paralysis (Alberta Health and Wellness, 2011), which can progress to permanent paralysis. It mainly affects children under the age of five, although individuals of any age may contract it (World Health Organization, 2013 [C]). Historical outbreaks, most prominently the 1916 and 1952 epidemicsRead MoreThe Relationship between the Polio Vaccine and AIDS in Africa550 Words  | 2 PagesIn the late 1950s, several groups of researches and scientists were developing some vaccines against polio. At that time, polio was still an epidemic worldwide disease. One of these vaccines, made by Dr. Hilary Koprowski MD (1916-2013) was used to test it on millions of people in Africa, after first being trailed in the USA. The vaccine virus was grown in tissue cultures taken from macaque mon keys before being introduced to millions of people , who were largely living in Burundi, Rwanda, and CongoRead MoreJonas Salk and the Polio Vaccine Essay example554 Words  | 3 Pagesand virologist who developed the first safe and effective polio vaccine. Before this vaccine was created, polio vaccines usually contained live, weakened forms of the virus, but Salk developed a vaccine that contained an inactivated, dead form of polio, the first of its kind. Until the Salk vaccine was introduced on April 12, 1955, polio was considered the most frightening health problem in the United Sates. Just 3 years before the vaccine was released, almost 58,000 cases were reported, with 3,145Read MorePrevention Of The Polio Vaccine880 Words  | 4 Pagesimmunizations, such as: Dtap, Polio, Hep A, and Varicella. Dtap and Polio is part of Maxe’s primary immunization. First, I would ask mom if she would like her son to receive 4 mentioned above vaccines (consent needed). If mom agreed to vaccination, I would verify if her son didn’t have any of the following symptoms after receiving last Dtap: a brain or nervous system disease within 7 days, non-stop crying for 3h or more, a seizure or collapse, and fever over 105F. For the Polio vaccine I would verify if Max
Friday, May 8, 2020
The Grapes of Wrath an Analysis of Rosasharn Essay examples
The Grapes of Wrath: An Analysis of Rose of Sharon Some people grow up naturally, stage by stage. Other people stay immature longer and are forced to grow up rapidly because of the situations that come upon them. In John Steinbeck’s Dust Bowl epic The Grapes of Wrath, the figure perfectly representing this is Rose of Sharon. At the beginning of the novel, Rose of Sharon (or Rosasharn as she is called by the rest of the Joad family) is the eldest daughter of the Joad family, and is dreamy and self centered, blissfully unaware of anything other than her own happiness and contentment. She is expecting a child with Connie Rivers, who announces big plans to study electronics at night in hopes of giving his family a better life than that†¦show more content†¦This causes her to become reserved and silent, obviously mortified by Connie’s betrayal and abandonment. While at Weedpatch, a government camp, Rosasharn meets Mrs. Sandry, a religious fanatic that warns her about the dangers of dancing, singing, and play acting that go on at the camp. She succeeds in frightening Rose of Sharon by stating that the babies of these â€Å"sinners†are born â€Å"dead and bloody†(310). After the woman leaves, Rosasharn is reduced to tears as she is convinced her baby will be born dead as Mrs. Sandry said and she once again mourns Connie’s abandonment. When Ma discovers her, she manages to get her out of her depression a bit by saying, â€Å"You’re jest one person. An’ they’s a lot of other folks†(300). What Ma is trying to say in the novel is â€Å"Your opinion of yourself is what matters, because everyone else is going to judge you, but only you can accept the judgment.†In the last chapter of the book, the family finds shelter from a storm in an old barn, where they find an old man dying of starvation and his young son beside him. Ma exchanges a look of meaning with Rosasharn, and she knows that Rosasharn understands what she must do. To save the old man from death, Rosasharn does something both brave and selfless, and has the old man suckles the milk that would have otherwise gone to her dead baby. This is where Rose of Sharon truly grows up, for when one is in need she is able to put others before herself and give life to someone inShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of John Steinbeck s Of Mice And Men 2778 Words  | 12 PagesSteinbeck almost always incorporates a sense of community in his novels with the intent to create a situation needing for a community to co-operate with one another to overcome obstacles and to make the struggle of everyday life bearable. In The Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck creates a family with strengths and weaknesses. As critic Walker-Bickett writes â€Å"Ultimately, it is kindness, the family’s greatest strength†which proves to be the Joads’ salvation . The Joads are an Oklahoman family who have lost everything;Read MoreGrapes of Wrath5357 Words  | 22 PagesKrystal Giffen The Grapes of Wrath Part 1: Literary Analysis 1. A. â€Å"†¦Ã¢â‚¬ËœWhat’s this call, this sperit?’ An’ I says, ‘It’s love†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (page 23, Chapter 4). This quote is an example of an metaphor. The use of this metaphor was to show the reader why the preacher doesn’t preach anymore. The effect the metaphor had on the reader was, for them to see how the preacher really viewed ‘the sperit’. B. â€Å"One cat’ takes and shoves ten families out. Cat’s all over hell now†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (pg. 8, Chapter 2). This quote is
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Titration Free Essays
Determination of the Percent Acetic Acid in Vinegar Objectives: (1) To introduce and use the concept of solution geochemistry (2) To specifically use solution geochemistry to determine the percent of acetic acid in vinegar. (3) To prepare a standard solution by the method of titration. Consider the following balanced chemical equations: IPPP + + OH (2) (4) (5) HCI + Noah HASPS + Noah CLC + – HASPS + – Niacin + HO Nassau + OHO acacia + OHO cases + OHO These reactions in water have one feature in common: a hydrogen ion from one impound reacts with a hydroxide ion from the other compound to form water. We will write a custom essay sample on Titration or any similar topic only for you Order Now The compound furnishing the hydrogen ion is called an acid and the one furnishing the hydroxide ion is called a base. The metal ion (the action) of the base and the anion of the acid combine to form a salt. In this context, salt is essentially synonymous with ionic compound. Reactions such as these are called acid-base reactions. The concepts of solution reactions and geochemistry in this experiment are applicable to any chemical reaction taking place in solution, not Just the acid base reactions indicated here. Geochemistry is the area of chemistry that deals with how much of one compound reacts with another. When compounds are mixed in amounts such that these amounts Just exactly react and none of any reactant is in excess (they are all the limiting reagent), this mixture is said to be a psychometric mixture or that psychometric amounts have been mixed. Observation of the above balanced equations indicates that symptomatically reaction occurs so that the total number of hydrogen ions available in the amount of acid reacting is the same as the total number of hydroxide ions available in the amount of base reacting. Thus in reaction 2) above, one mole (or one molecule) of HASPS (sulfuric acid) can furnish the same number of hydrogen as the number of hydroxides that two mole (or two molecules) of Noah can furnish. Therefore one mole of HASPS reacts with 2 moles of Noah (or one molecule of HASPS reacts with two molecules of Noah). This type of geochemistry information is obtained from any balanced chemical equation. In a solution the militarily, M, is the number of moles of solute in a liter of solution. Thus where n is the number of moles and V the volume in liters. By equation (6), the number of moles of solute in V liters of a solution of militarily M is Suppose one takes 34. 56 ml off 0. 13 M solution of sulfuric acid (HASPS). If one has a certain volume of sulfuric acid solution, there is one volume of a given Noah solution needed such that equivalent amounts of the two reactants are mixed. Equivalent amounts are the amounts that symptomatically react (that is, none of either reactant is left over). When the amount of Noah (in solution or otherwise) needed for psychometric reaction has been added, this is called the equivalence point. In the laboratory, the determination of the volume (the amount) of Noah required to exact symptomatically with the sulfuric acid solution is done by a procedure called titration. A burette is used to measure an accurate volume of the sulfuric acid solution into a flask. A few drops of an indicator is added and another burette is used to add the Noah solution to the sulfuric acid solution until there is a visual change in color of the solution (due to the indicator). There is a visual change in color in the solution caused by the indicator, a substance that changes color as close as possible to the point when the psychometric amount of Noah (in this case) has been added. When the solution changes color (the indicator changes color) this is called the endpoint of the titration. The solution should be colorless and change to a pink color (for the phenolphthalein indicator used here) upon the addition of one drop of Noah iterant. The indicator phenolphthalein is pink in basic solutions and colorless in acid solutions. The solution for the titration of sulfuric acid with Noah changes from acidic (indicator colorless) to basic (indicator pink) at the endpoint. At the endpoint the solution is slightly basic when the iterant is a base. Other indicators have a different color change but work the same in principle. The endpoint and the equivalence point should be as nearly the same as possible. In general for a sample of an acid which has z acid hydrogen titrated with Noah, the equation using normality, CEQ 38, is unchanged but CEQ 39 becomes CEQ 40 (40) % acid = (1 of For a sample of an acid with acid acid hydrogen titrated with a base with Sybase hydroxide ions, the percent of the acid in the sample is given by (41) (Sybase/acid)(Numb)(mom of Titration are usually used to determine the amount of a substance in a sample of a old or in a solution by determining the volume of iterant that is needed to react with the desired compound. In order to do this, the militarily and/or normality of the iterant solution must be accurately known and the chemical reaction between them must be known. This concepts and calculations above are not restricted to acid/base reactions and can be used for other types of chemical reactions. The definition of gram equivalent weight may change, however, to keep the requirement that one equivalent react with one equivalent. See the appendix to Experiment 9 for more illustration of this. If one considers the operations above, it will become clear why solutions are used in the laboratory. It would be difficult without using solutions to effect the reaction of the sodium hydroxide (a solid) with the vinegar sample (a liquid) and make accurate measurements in regard to how much sodium hydroxide would be required to react with a given sample of the vinegar. Using solutions makes the process much easier and convenient and is one of the reasons chemists use solutions. It does, however, require that one learn about solution concentrations and how they can relate to reaction geochemistry. In CEQ 32, note that in reaction only one of the four hydrogen in acetic acid reacts with the Noah to give a salt and water. Not all the hydrogen in compounds will react with the hydroxide of Noah to form water. Those that will are called acid hydrogen and the acid hydrogen are written first in the formula for a compound. Thus the formula for acetic acid is HACHURE indicating that it has one acid hydrogen. The determination of which and how many of the hydrogen are acid hydrogen in a compound must be done experimentally but once this is done, the formula is written so as to indicate this. How to cite Titration, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Junot Diaz Treflection free essay sample
From what I had previously read and heard from about Junot Diaz, I expected the typical speaker that usually stops by our campus: tall male, dressed in a suite, with a charming personality. Knowing he was a Hispanic author I felt like I would be exposed to nothing new during his readings or presence for that matter ( seeing as how being from Colombia and have had a lot of exposure to Hispanic authors). This immediately changed as a couple classmates and I got together to walk over to Sorenson Hall, and, as I we were walking to the auditorium, found multiple students heading to the same even but not because their curriculum required it but rather because they were so intrigued to hear him speak. Obviously, this triggered my own interest in what this author, that I originally found so predictable, had to say. From the moment he set foot on the stage to when he said goodbye, I was intrigued. We will write a custom essay sample on Junot Diaz Treflection or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Diaz evoked a casual atmosphere; through cursing and joking he made the crowd feel comfortable. What I found most interesting was how he explained the different views between him and his family and how looked negatively it seemed for him to become an artist. He also explained multiple aspects about the cultural differences, and talked about the concepts of â€Å"trading your culture†he explained how crazy it is to realize at our age that everyone’s dreams aren’t your dreams. I agreed with everything he had to say and I found the way he evoked his opinions, through casual conversation and a comical tone, to be very effective. What I found most interesting though, is how he compared writing to an art form which says the stuff people don’t want to hear. As he was talking about this topic, I couldn’t help but compare his style of writing to that of graffiti art. He holds a rebellious attitude towards society that makes his writing appealing. Attending this reading taught me much about the topic of learning by making mistakes. My whole life, I’ve been raised thinking that mistakes shouldn’t occur, and the fact that he mentioned that one should take time out to learn through failure and making mistakes caught my attention immediately. Attending Diaz’s reading has been one of the most interesting things I’ve experience while at Babson and I know that when I type the last sentence of this reflection I am buying logging on to amazon and buying his book.
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