Thursday, October 31, 2019

Strategic Planning of, Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Strategic Planning of, Inc - Essay Example The paper gives detailed information about Inc. It conducts its business in various fields such as internet services, online retail, and the Kindle ecosystem. Amazon provides its services as Amazon Prime which has the facility of free of cost shipping within two days. It provides a free access to the kindle library (Johnson, et al., 2013). The other internet services provided by Amazon are referred to as Amazon Web Services and it is a side business as the company decided to lease out its services. Amazon is most commonly known as a low-cost retailer and provides its customers with wide range of products. The company started its online bookselling business and rapidly expanding the business to music as well as movies. It also offers online services in household goods as well as electronics (Johnson, et al., 2013). The retail strategy of Amazon also involves the company to act as a channel for the other retailers and earn a portion of revenue with the sale of the products. Amazon has also introduced the sale of used products in order to compete with the competitors such as eBay (Johnson, et al., 2013). The advertising strategies adopted by Amazon attract the customers in the global market and they are able to choose the products from their websites. The kindle ecosystem is part of their business model which is newly launched by Amazon as an electronic book reader and the company is confident that the customers will purchase enough electronic books (Johnson, et al., 2013).

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Subway Smoothie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Subway Smoothie - Essay Example Our company will use four elements of promotional mix, which include advertising, sales promotion, personal selling and public relation. Advertising refers to the presentation of a standard message regarding the strengths, price and availability of goods or services by the marketer in an impersonal way (Weinreich, 2010). In this strategy, our main aim will be building the pull effect since our adverts will deliver a message that will make the product appealing to customers to buy it. Since fast foods have become a major concern, relaying a message on the importance of smoothie foods will pull more customers to buy the foods. We would also rely on sales promotion, which is the short-term use of incentives or other promotional activities that will stimulate the customer to buy our product (Urban, Sultan, & Qualls, 2012). This particular element helps bring short and immediate effect on sale as well as faster stock clearance. The technique will also help in the induction of customers and distribution channels; and will help us win over fast food competitors. As a business, we will apply such sales promotion skills as rebate, discounts, premiums, and usable benefits, e.g. buy two get one free. The general benefit will be attracting people’s attention as well as inducing them since our new product will be available at a lower price. We will also rely on personal selling, which will enable our sales team have face-to-face interactions with the customers. Since it is a face-to-face interaction, our sales team will be able to explain the merits of our products directly, thus increasing the sale of the product. It is also a flexible element, meaning the seller may change the offer according to various situations. It also induces customers to buy given goods in order to satisfy their needs. Public relations is the last element of marketing mix that we will apply, which

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Causes of Asthma

Causes of Asthma Asthma is a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways. It can be both short term and long term. Asthma causes recurring periods of wheezing (a whistling sound when you breathe), chest tightness, shortness of breath, andcoughing. The coughing often occurs at night or early in the morning. Asthma affects people of all ages, but it most often starts during childhood. In the United States, more than 25 million people are known to have asthma. About 7million of these people are children. The airways are tubes that carry air into and out of your lungs. People who have asthma have inflamed airways. The inflammation makes the airways swollen and very sensitive, the airways tend to react strongly to certain inhaled substance. When the airways react, the muscles around them tighten. This narrows the airways, causing less air to flow into the lungs. The swelling also can worsen, making the airways even narrower. Cells in the airways might make more mucus than usual. Mucus is a sticky, thick liquid that can further narrow the airways. This chain reaction can result in asthma symptoms. Symptoms can happen each time the airways are inflamed (national institute of health). Understanding and Explaining Asthma The aetiology of asthma has been explained in terms of heredity, incitement, and induction. Incitement is the immediate broncho-constriction noted among asthmatics and others to nonspecific stimuli. Induction is the enhancement of the response to inciters that can follow exposure to certain stimuli, mostly inflammatory agents such as allergens, infections and other irritants, including industrial contaminants such as`4he plicatic acid from Western Red Cedar wood. There is a good reason to believe in a hereditary component to asthma, different components of the condition having possibly independent genetic origins. The best documented genetic component is the familial allergy to ragweed6, and Sibbald et al.7 have argued for independent hereditary components that influence atopy and bronchial responsiveness. However, migrant studies strongly suggest the major determinant to be environmental and not genetic. Both Tokeluans4 and Xhosas3 clearly have the genetic potential for developing a sthma, but this is expressed only on migrating to an economically more developed area (Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Volume 80 June 1987 367). Isolated examples, such as the increase in asthmatics attending emergency rooms following the eruption of the Mount Helens volcano8, may be explained in terms of incitement, but there are major objections to using this mechanism as a general explanation for differences in the prevalence of asthma. The wide variety of substances capable of inducing broncho constriction in asthmatic subjects can be divided into endogenous mediators such as histamine, prostaglandins or leukotrienes, and exogenous agents such as sulphur dioxide, volcanic ash or cold dry air. For the epidemiologist attempting to explain the prevalence of asthma, the endogenous mediators are unhelpful. The discovery of a mediator whose presence distinguishes asthmatic from non asthmatic populations would be useful, but in turn would raise the question of why one population had more of the mediator than the other population. For the reason discussed above, a genetically controlled explanation can be discounted, which leaves an environmental factor to increase the amount of mediator in the asthmatic population. This is essentially the same as the initial question of what environmental factor might account for differences in the prevalence of asthma. Exogenous inciters, being environmental in origin, theoretically offer a better hope of advancing the issue further, but, in the event, are no more helpful. Differences in the prevalence of asthma are not accounted for simply by differences in the incidence of clinical symptoms provoked by environmental triggers. They also reflect differences in the under-lying prevalence of bronchial hyper-responsiveness. In van Niekerks study3, it was the response to the exercise challenge that differed between urban and rural areas. This cannot be explained simply in terms of the prevalence of inciters in the environment. Induction provides a more promising general theory with which to explain differences in prevalence. There is plenty of evidence that induction does occur, particularly in an industrial context and this has been used extensively as a general model for the aetiology of asthma. It does not, however, explain the distribution of asthma in developing countries. Agents that have been sh own to induce asthma are abundant in the Third World ( Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Volume 80 June 1987 367). Fatality of Asthma Acute respiratory infections are probably the single most important cause of death among children. It is thus appealing to consider the hypothesis that fatal and near fatal attacks of asthma may have common causes, and that studying non-fatal asthma attacks (as well as being of value in itself) may provide useful information on the factors associated with fatal asthma attacks. Campbell investigated the levels of agreement between information obtained directly from cases of near fatal asthma attacks with those obtained independently from close acquaintances, almost all of whom were family members living in the same household. They found very high levels of agreement for recognized markers of chronic asthma severity (such as a hospital admission in the last 12 months or an intensive care unit admission), utilization of medical services, the use of prescribed agonists (although there was less agreement for other asthma medications such as oral xanthines), and psychiatric features. These findings are generally encouraging in that they indicate that information relating to these risk factors and clinical characteristics obtained from close acquaintances has reasonable reliability in studies of near fatal asthma attacks and therefore such information may also be reliable for persons dying from asthma. In contrast, information on features of the long term asthma history such as sleep disturbance and the frequency of, or trends in, symptoms in previous years was not reliable. The reliability of the reported circumstances associated with a near fatal episode was not examined. Thus, while it would seem appropriate to continue to examine deaths from asthma using clinical information that has been recorded before the fatal attack, the findings of Campbell suggests that interviews with acquaintances may provide additional useful data. Richards have compared the demographic characteristics of patients suffering fatal asthma attacks throughout New Zealand during 1980-6 with t hose experiencing severe life threatening asthma attacks in the Auckland region during 1981-7. The information avail-able for the study was limited, but the findings once again confirm the importance of a previous life threatening attack of asthma as a marker of subsequent risk of death from asthma. About one quarter of the subjects who died in Auckland during the period of the study had a previous admission to an intensive care unit with asthma. This suggests that asthmatic subjects who experience a life threatening attack are a group in whom intensive medical treatment and follow up should be arranged. These considerations indicate that, although there are some practical advantages in studying near fatal asthma attacks, there may well be greater problems of interpretation of the findings than in studies of fatal asthma. Nevertheless, when interpreted cautiously, studies of near fatal attacks may provide a useful complement to studies of fatal attacks in monitoring the time trends in severe asthma, and in identifying the causes of those changes which occur (Thorax 1993;48:1093-1094).

Friday, October 25, 2019

Computers Cause Laziness :: Technology

Looking around at daily life, I noticed a pattern of computer oriented devices that make life easier. While I do agree with faster production and less work, I can not allow this degenerative spiral of laziness to continue, it is out of control. These devices are in most daily activities ranging from waking up to an alarm clock to watching the news before going to bed. All of these computerized facets of our society help to increase our daily productivity and help us do whatever it is we need to accomplish in the day in the easiest way possible. The computer age is upon us and it will continue to grow in influence until society revolves around it daily, without any need for improvement. . In personal computers, the industry has been creating faster machines that can store more information than before. For example, speed, the microprocessor has been tweaked to perform high rates of data transactions. What this means for the average person is that we can be much more productive in a day than the average person 50 years ago. to allow faster hook-up to the Internet, fiber optic lines have been added, to transfer data about 35,714,285 times faster than conventional phone lines (about 28,000 bits per second has been pushed to about 1,000,000,000,000 bits per second). This may seem ridiculous to you but if you stop and think how many lazy people get on-line every day to order movies, pizza, and do there E-bay all from the comfort of home you will see that this is not only ridiculous but scandalous and down right insane. As speed enhances, memory and storage space is needed to hold excess information. â€Å"Double data rate three, synchronous dynamic random access memory† or DDR3 SDRAM is a new, faster memory module that helps transfer RAM data about 80 times faster than normal RAM. For long term storage of large amounts of data, hard drives have been under a constant upgrade of performance, and it is not uncommon to find hard drives about 300 gigabytes to 1 terabyte on the market. One terabyte may not sound like a lot of space to you so to give you an example it’s like having the ability of storing 13 million movies on your computer or 26.7 million songs and its all to keep you fat lazy and dumb. Along with technology, an ease of use factor has been instilled in the modern day PC's so it’s easier for the elderly and the toddlers to use.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


When people think of waves they may think of a nice vacation or maybe a storm. Most people may not think about what causes waves or how waves can get so tall and powerful. In addition, people may not think about how tides are formed. The movement of waves includes information about how waves form, how they move, what happens when waves interact, and some of the effects of waves. When people visit a beach, they might realize the daily rise and fall of the water, or how high and low tides can get. Tides are caused by the moon, sun, and the earth and are almost never are the same size or duration.A tide can spread out to be much bigger than what it was predicted to be (Simon 1990). The easiest tidal sequence is the semidiurnal tide. A semidiurnal tide has two high tides and two low tides of about equal height each day. Semidiurnal tides may have a daily inequity where successive hide tides have different heights. Semidiurnal tides are often easy to predict because high or low tides occu r a consistent length of time after the moon has passed overhead. Both the Atlantic and the Indian Oceans generally have some semidiurnal tides with two other tides each day.Spring tides normally occur when there is a full moon and the sun and the earth are in a straight line. When this happens, tides are never the same size or last the same amount of time as the people may expect. There is also neap tides and they occur when the moon is in the first or last quarter, when its gravitational pull on the oceans is at a right angle to the sun. When this happens the tide will not be the same size or last the same amount of time either. (Hawkins 2005). Therefore, the pull of the moon causes tides and these tides produce waves.Waves are the forward movement of the ocean’s water due to the oscillation of water particles by frictional drag. Waves can also vary in size and strength based on wind speed (B. Amanda). When people are considering waves, it is important to know that while it appears that the water is moving forward, only a small amount of water is actually moving. Instead, it is the wave’s energy that is moving. When the waves get too tall, relative to the water’s deepness, the wave’s stability is weakened and the entire wave falls onto the beach, forming a breaker.Breakers come in all different types. The type of a breaker is determined by the slope of the shoreline. Falling breakers are caused by a steep slope. Spilling breakers occur when the shoreline has a gentle or gradual slope. Crests of waves are formed by a thrust or the forward push of the wave. Which could lead to the development of breakers. Sometimes, huge waves are created by undersea earthquakes or the pointy motions in the seafloor. These huge waves are called tsunamis or tidal waves. They can make really big messes and can kill a lot of people (B, Amanda).Waves are put into categories and named according to how they are formed and how they appear. Waves that are l ooped as they reach the shoreline are called ocean currents. These currents are generated in the surf zone when the front end of the wave pushes to the shore and then slows down. Wind also causes waves and these are called surface waves. Regular patterns of smooth, rounded waves in the open are called swells. Swells means that they are mature undulations of water in wave energy that has left the wave generating region (B,Amanda).When waves meet and interact they form what is called an interference. The interference occurs when the crest and trough are between two waves that are align and then they combine. The action of an interference makes a dramatic increase in wave height. When water molecules get the energy they move forward,and all of the waves are forced closer together because they are now moving a lot slower because of the wind speed. The movement of wind speed over the oceans generates corresponding movements in the water. When the seafloor becomes shallow the waves become flattened(B,Amanda).An underwater earthquake can trigger a tsunami that creates a long, fault rupture that can get up to or over 800 miles long(B,Amanda). â€Å"In December 2004, an underwater earthquake was triggered a string of tsunamis along the Indian Ocean with overwhelming effects. Scientists have found a break in the sea floor faults which are causing the earthquakes, tsunamis, and waves to be extremely dangerous. † (B,Amanda) Since waves are so powerful they have a big impact on the shape of the world’s coastlines. Generally, they straighten coastlines.Sometimes headland’s composed old rocks are very resistant to erosion just into the ocean and force waves to bend around them. When this happens, the waves energy is spread out over multiple areas and different sections of the coastline which receive different amounts of energy and are then shaped differently by waves(B,Amanda). Waves can also cancel out each other through when crest meets a tough or vise versa. The movement of sand, gravel, and concrete with the long shore drift is know as deposition. Coastal landforms caused by deposition include barrier spits, bay barriers, lagoon, tombolos and even beaches themselves.Coastal features found today include cliffs, wave cut platforms, sea caves, and arches. These types of features make it clear that ocean waves have a tremendous impact on today shoreline. Erosion also creates many of the coastal features found today. It can also act in taking away sand and sediment from beaches especially on those that have heavy wave action. Erosion also creates many of the coastal waves today(Amanda B). Erosion is a broadly defined group of processes involving the movement of soil and rock. This movement is often the result of flowing agents, whether wind, water, or ice.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Literary genres Essay

lit ·er ·a ·ture (ltr–chr, -chr) noun. 1. The body of written works of a language, period, or culture. 2. Imaginative or creative writing, especially of recognized artistic value:†Literature must be an analysis of experience and a synthesis of the findings into a unity† (Rebecca West). 3. The art or occupation of a literary writer. 4. The body of written work produced by scholars or researchers in a given field:medical literature. 5. Printed material: collected all the available literature on the subject. 6. Music All the compositions of a certain kind or for a specific instrument or ensemble: the symphonic literature. 1.  written material such as poetry, novels, essays, etc. , esp works of imagination characterized by excellence of style and expression and by themes of general or enduring interest 2. the body of written work of a particular culture or people Scandinavian literature 3. written or printed matter of a particular type or on a particular subject scientific literature the literature of the violin 4. printed material giving a particular type of information sales literature 5. the art or profession of a writer 6. Obsolete learning 1. writing in prose or verse regarded as having permanent worth through its intrinsic excellence. 2. the entire body of writings of a specific language, period, people, etc. 3. the writings dealing with a particular subject. 4. the profession of a writer or author. 5. literary work or production. 6. any kind of printed material, as circulars, leaflets, or handbills. 7. Archaic. literary culture; appreciation of letters and books. | literature – the humanistic study of a body of literature; â€Å"he took a course in Russian lit. literary study – the humanistic study of literatureliterature – creative writing of recognized artistic value| | | literature – published writings in a particular style on a particular subject; â€Å"the technical literature†; â€Å"one aspect of Waterloo has not yet been treated in the literature†piece of writing, written material, writing – the work of a writer; anything expressed in letters of the alphabet (especially when considered from the point of view of style and effect); â€Å"the writing in her novels is excellent†; â€Å"that editorial was a fine piece of writing†literature – creative writing of recognized artistic valuehistoriography – a body of historical literature| | | literature – the profession or art of a writer; â€Å"her place in literature is secure†profession – an occupation requiring special education (especially in the liberal arts or sciences)literature – creative writing of recognized artistic valueTypes of Literature: Fictional Literature Drama: Drama is the theatrical dialog performed on stage, it consists of 5 acts. Tragedy, comedy and melodrama are the sub types of drama. e. g William Shakespeare, an Elizabethan dramatist composed the plays Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear that are famous because of its combination of tragedy and comedy. Problem play, farce, fantasy, monologue and comedy of manners are some kinds of drama. Tragedy: It is a story of the major character who faces bad luck. Tragedy, elements of horrors and struggle usually concludes with the death of a person. The Illiad and The Odyssey by Homer are the two famous Greek tragedies. Comedy: The lead character overcomes the conflicts and overall look of the comedy is full of laughter and the issues are handled very lightly. The elements used in the comedy are romanticism, exaggeration, surprises and a comic view of life. Melodrama: Melodrama is a blend of two nouns – ‘melody’ and ‘drama’. It is a musical play most popular by 1840. Uncle Tom’s Cabin is one of the most popular plays describing cruelty of labor life. It has happy ending like comedy. Tragicomedy: The play that begins with serious mode but has a happy ending is tragicomedy. Prose Literature History, journalism, philosophy, fiction and fantasy writings, scientific writings, children’s literature authors and writers are included in Prose Literature. Myth Myths are the fairy tales with lots of adventure, magic and it lacks scientific proof. Nursery rhymes, songs and lullabies are forms of myths that strike the interest of children. Creative and nature myth are stories of the stars and moon. Magic tales are wonderful tales of quests and fantasy. Hero myths are ideal heroes of adventure. Short story  The small commercial fiction, true or imaginary, smaller than a novel is known as short story. Short stories are well-grouped that followed the sequence of easy and no complexity in beginning, concrete theme, some dialogs and ends with resolution. They are oral and short-lived which have gossip, joke, fable, myth, parable, hearsay and legend. Novel Novel can be based on comic, crime, detective, adventurous, romantic or political story divided into many parts. The major kinds of novels are: Allegory: The symbolic story revolves around two meanings. What the writer says directly is totally different from the conveyed meanings at the end. Political and Historical allegory are two forms of Allegory. Comedy: Satire is very common form in comedy novels and tries to focus on the facts of the society and their desires. Epistolary: The collection of letters or mails is the epistolary novels. Samuel Richardson’s Pamela and Henry Fielding’s Joseph Andrew are the few examples of Epistolary novels. Feminist: These types of novels are written by women writers around the world to describe the place of women in a male dominated society. E. g Virginia Woolf’s â€Å"A Room of one’s Own†. Gothic: Gothic fiction is the combination of both horror and romance. Melodrama and parody were grouped in the Gothic literature in its early stages. Ironic: Ironic novels are known for excessive use of narrative technique. It is satire on the contemporary society about cultural, social and political issues. Realism: The realistic novels are based on the truths of ordinary society and their problems. It focuses on the plot, structure and the characters of the novel. Romance: Love and relationship topics are handled optimistically in the romantic novels. It originated in western countries; basically the story revolves around love affairs of main characters. Some popular sub categories of romantic novels are paranormal, erotic, suspense, multicultural and inspirational romance. Narration: In narrative style, writer becomes the third person who narrates whole story around the characters. Naturalism: Naturalism is based on the theory of Darwin. Picaresque: It is opposite to romance novels as it involves ideals, themes and principles that refuse the so-called prejudices of the society. Psychological: It’s the psychological prospective of mind with a resolution. Satire: Satirical novels criticize the contemporary society. The most famous novels are Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels (1726), Kingsley Amis’s Lucky Jim (1954), George Orwell’s Animal Farm and Randell Jarrell’s Pictures from an Institution (1954). Stream of Consciousness: James Joyce’s stream of consciousness is all about the thought coming up in the minds of the readers. A novel also constitutes categories on social and political aspects like proletarian, psychological, protest novel, government, didactic, materialist novel, allegorical novel, novel of engagement, naturalistic novel, Marxist novel, radical novel, revolutionary novel, anti-war novel, utopian novel, futuristic novel, anarchist novel, problem novel, social philosophy novel, novel of ideas, problem play and speculative novel. Folk Tale Folk Tales are traditional stories that have been creating interest since ancient times. The children and old persons like religious story, magic and superstition as well. Fable, tall tales, cumulative, trickster and proverbs are the sub categories of folk tales. Mythology or legend is the ancient religious stories of origin and human civilization such as story of Robin Hood. Types of poetry Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in the tranquility. Greek poetry is found in free verse and we have rhymes in the Persian poem. Are you wondering how to write a poem, here are the followings forms of poem? Sonnet: Sonnet is the short poem of 14 lines grouped into Shakespearean and Italian sonnets. Ballad: The poems that are on the subject matter of love and sung by the poet or group of singers as telling readers a story. Elegy: This type of poem is the lamenting of the death of a person or his near one. Elegy Written in Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray is one of the famous poems marked as sad poems of the ages. Ode: Ode is the formal and long poem serious in nature. Allegory: Allegory is the famous form of poetry and is loved by the readers because of its two symbolic meanings. One is the literal meaning and another is the deep meaning. Epic and Mock epic: Epics are the narrative poems that convey moral and culture of that period. The Odyssey and Iliad are one of the largest philosophical epics written by Samuel Butler. Rape of the Lock is the great mock epic focusing on the minor incident of cutting of a curl. Lyric: It has Greek origin that gives a melody of imagery. It is the direct appeal of a poet to the readers about any incident or historical events. Lyrics are most of the time similar to ode or sonnets in the form. Nonfiction Literature: Nonfiction Literature is opposite to fiction as it is informative and comprises the interesting facts with analysis and illustrations. Main types of Non- fiction literature Autobiography and Biography An autobiography is the story of the author’s own life. ‘Family Life at the White House’ by Bill Clinton is focused on his life and achievements. ‘Wings of fire’ by Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, Mein kampf of Adolph Hitler are the autobiography books on real life. Essay Generally the authors’ point of view about any particular topic in a detailed way is an essay. Essay has simple way of narrating the main subject; therefore they are descriptive, lengthy, subject oriented and comparative. Different types of essay: Personal essay, expository essay type, response essay, process essay, persuasive essay, argumentative essay, critical essay type, interview essay, reflective essay type, evaluation, observation essay, comparison type of essay, application essay, compare and contrast essay and narrative essay type. Literary criticism It is the critical study of a piece of literature. Here critics apply different theories, evaluation, discussion and explanation to the text or an essay to give total judgments. Plato, Aristotle, T. S. Eliot, Saussure and Frye are some of the famous critics. Travel literature It is the narration of any tour or foreign journey with the description of the events, dates, places, sights and author’s views. Francis Bacon’s natural philosophies in the middle of Seventeenth century is one famous example of travel literature. Diary Diaries are the incidents recorded by the author without any means of publishing them. It is the rough work of one’s daily routine, happenings, memorable days or events in their life. E. g. Anne Frank’s ‘Diary of a Young Girl’ was published by her father in 1940s; it’s a story of a girl trapped during German invade Amsterdam. Diaries consists of business letters, newsletters, weather listing. In today’s world of Internet, writers write in blogs, forums, polls and social networking sites to convey their thoughts. This also is a form of diary writing. Some profound forms of diaries are online diary, travel, sleep, tagebuch, fictional, dream and death diaries. Journal Journal is one of types of diaries that records infinite information. They are of following types: Personal: It is for personal analysis. In this journal one can write his goal, daily thoughts, events and situations. Academic: It is for students who do research or dissertation on particular subjects. Creative journals: Creative journals are the imaginative writing of a story, poem or narrative. Trade: Trade journals are used by industrial purposes where they dictate practical information. Dialectical: This journal is use by students to write on double column notebook. They can write facts, experiments, and observation on the left side and right side can be a series of thoughts and response with an end. Newspaper It is a collection of daily or weekly news of politics, sports, leisure, fashion, movies and business. Magazine Magazines can be the current affairs or opinions well collected covering various content. Frame Narrative The psychoanalysis of human mind is present in a frame narrative. Here we find another story within the main story. Some of the popular narratives are Pegasus, Wuthering Heights, The Flying Horse, The Three Pigs, A Time to keep and the Tasha Tudor Book of Holidays. Outdoor literature Outdoor literature is the literature of adventure that gives whole exploration of an event. Exciting moments of life such as horse riding, fishing, trekking can be a part of literature. Some outdoor books are ‘The Adventures of Tom Sawyer’ by Mark Twain, ‘Treasure Island’ by Robert Louis, ‘Voyages’ by Richard Hakluyt and ‘A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush’ by Eric Newby. Narrative form of Literature Today we find movies, audio and video CD’s and Cassettes that present current literature in use. Digital poetry is an upcoming trend too. Comic books, cartoons, eBook and Internet games are the learning methods for children. Literature includes centuries, human nature, cultures and souls. Isn’t it? Read more at Buzzle: http://www. buzzle. com/articles/types-of-literature. html|